Saturday, October 20, 2012

Red-throated Bird of Paradise

cimblog(tm) took a fun little excursion last weekend. We bought some Metro tickets and took the train downtown. Our goal was to do a little exploring and take some pictures. There's always adventure just around the next corner - you just have to be willing to go TO the corner to find it. It's easy to forget, living in the suburbs, how much is at the corner and beyond. It's easy to sit and feel safe where you are, wanting for nothing.

One of the pictures I snapped that I'm so very pleased with was right outside Union Station train station. There was a little hummingbird flitting and zipping in and out of the plants and  flowers. He stopped twice - once to allow me to see where he was and notice that he was of the red-throated variety, and the second time long enough for me to capture him. I love how he is mirroring the plant.


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